Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Dead Land: The Artist Book I Made

The first photograph below is of the image to the tunnel book  I made in the class I am taking at Lane Community College called, "Artist Books and Pop-Up!"
The class is taught by the amazing book artist, Susan Lowdermilk.

 The photograph below is the text, to my artist book, that accompanies the above image.

It is a book, so when you open the book the text is on your left and the image is on your right--and yes the image is back-lit by battery powered miniature bulbs. The objects within the image are seen through a screen of distressed tracing paper.


  1. Awesome, Daniel! I have a friend who has made several books at LCC, and I agree (without having taken any classes) that your teacher rocks.

  2. Thank you for leaving a comment; you win a golden ticket.
