Sunday, September 25, 2011

The Whiteaker Train Tracks--Original Pastel Painting

The Whiteaker neighborhood in Eugene Oregon is filled with interesting sites and people.

An interesting site to an artist is called a motif.

I saw this motif as I was riding my bike towards home. I had just passed the mural at 4th and Monroe--the one painted by Kari Johnson--and as I crossed the railroad tracks I looked both ways for the possibility of oncoming trains, then I saw the sunset and stopped. It was like seeing a fireworks display!

Another bike rider looked over and saw the sunset and slowed down but continued riding. At that moment I was glad that I was an artist and could capture what will only be a dim, self-contained, memory in the other rider's mind.

I dug out my pastels and began scumbling away on pastel paper.

 Now, I can share with you the sunset over the train tracks in  "The Whit"--The Whiteaker neighborhood.

The Whiteaker

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